I got off schedule for a few days due to some family matters. I have a new granddaughter I got to babysit this week. My oldest son is getting his driver's license for the first time. He is currently dating a young woman who also does not have her license nd is taking care of her mother who has some disabilities. Thankfully, I am able to drive them around. Plus, a muititude of other family matters that currently have no resolution but there is a faint glimmer of hope. It seems that some family members are in a constant state of incompletion like this weeks abandoned project.
Classic Still Life Needlepoint was designed by Nancy Rossi, via the Kooler Design Studio Inc, for Bucilla. It was available as a kit (4679) and measures 16 x 14 inches. It is a quite stunning piece with a gorgeous vase of flowers as the center and little decorative pieces around the vase. You can see from the image that it was started but never finished.
I think my mom got it from a friend of hers who was dying from cancer. She was too weak to finish it or just needed help finding the yarn to finish it. Of course, my mom wanted to finish the project for her friend but was not given the yarn that came with the kit. It seems to have been lost. My mom then passed it off to me and asked me to match the yarn or find substitutes. I have not been able to do either because of time and not knowing were to go for help.
I finanlly found a place in Ogden, Utah called The Needlepoint Joint online who has a brick and mortar store. I am making plans to spend a day down there visiting a friend as well as matching some yarn. Hopefully, this will be a quick and easy task but I am not counting on that due to the age of the kit. Fibers as well as dyes have changed quite a bit in the textile industry over the years.
It's like anything else in life really, you have to find people or places that match your personality at a specific moment in time. Those people or places fade in and out of your life as your personality changes. Or, those people and places leave your life, for whatever reason, to never return. What's important is the memory and the history that is left behind for you and others to remember.